The Future of Electric Vehicles and EV Charging
As more and more automobile manufacturers are introducing new models electric vehicles, one of the major concerns is still there – How will these Electric Vehicles be charged? In the post Covid-19 scenario there are number of incentives including installing more charging stations. Not only this – many companies and industry analysts are offering their insights, predictions and solutions for a greener and cleaner EV charging future. As a result number of solutions comes up which include – smarter software, incentives, apps, load balancing and block chain. EV Charging – A Problem for Future EV Buyers One of the most important aspects of EV infrastructure is home charging and it is very important and not getting enough attention. There are problems with public charging and also there is a huge gap between awareness and the actual number of charging stations. EV users are not aware where public charging station are. So, we need to use signage and in addition we need stres...